Relationship with God

Everything begins and ends with Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. The purpose of Campus Movement is to glorify God by helping college students know Jesus and fall more in love with him. By God’s grace we are committed to helping students understand the importance of having a true and saving relationship with Jesus Christ and walking with him for a lifetime.


Relationship with the Local Church

Campus Movement partners with the church because we believe in building strong relationships with a local body of believers. Our ministry is committed to investing in the church and submitting ourselves under its authority and leadership. The local church provides accountability, guidance, and resources that are critical to the overall health of our ministry.


Relationship with Ministry Partners

Campus Movement seeks to partner with people, churches, and organizations who support the cause of proclaiming the gospel and building laborers on the college campus. This network of partnerships advances the movement of the Gospel of Christ through the CAMO Vision. 

Relationship with One Another

We believe in the model that Jesus displayed in his earthly ministry by having personal relationships with those whom he was giving spiritual training. We strive to share not only the gospel with students, but also our own lives in an effort to see them know Christ savingly, grow in Christ increasingly, and walk with Christ eternally.